Apply for early learning and childcare in Aberdeenshire

Early YearsParents and carers of children whose birth date is between March 1, 2011 and February 28, 2013 can apply for the free early learning and childcare place their youngster is entitled to in Aberdeenshire this month.

Every three and four year old and eligible two year old is entitled to up to 600 hours of early learning and childcare per year, dependant on the term date of which they are eligible to start. Chair of Aberdeenshire Council’s Education, Learning and Leisure Committee Councillor Isobel Davidson said: “I urge parents and carers to complete the admissions process to ensure their child secures the place they are entitled to and help the education service plan its resources.”

In Aberdeenshire a variety of settings are available including Aberdeenshire Council nursery classes, approved playgroups and approved private day nurseries.

All settings are regulated by Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate, and are quality assured by Aberdeenshire Council.

The next application period for three and four year olds runs from Monday, February 23 until Friday, March 6 and there are three intake periods running up to spring 2016:

August 2015 for children who will be three by 31 August 2015

•  January 2016 for children who will be three by 31 December 2015.

  • April 2016 for children who will be three by 29 February 2016.

The application pack ‘Applying for Early Learning and Childcare for Your Child: Session 2015-16’ can be found at all settings and online at

Parents or carers of two year olds who are looked after and accommodated, or who are under a kinship or guardianship order could be eligible for up to 600 hours of childcare, as are those in receipt of benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance.

Applications for eligible two year olds are managed centrally by the early years team who can be contacted on 01224 664026 and further information is also available at



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