Lyon: our farmers’ voice in Europe

George Lyon

Liberal Democrat councillors caught up with George Lyon, MEP, in Aberdeen last week. George works extremely hard to ensure that the North East has a voice in Europe. He recently fought to ensure that Scottish farmers escaped further cuts to CAP despite there being an overall cut in the EU Budget.

George said “As negotiations over the future of the Common Agricultural Policy continue I know that farmers across Scotland are facing an uncertain future. As a former farmer myself I know just how damaging uncertainty can be.

I am working hard in Brussels to deliver the best deal possible for farmers across Scotland. But it is not the uncertainty of the CAP reform process that poses the biggest risk to our rural economy. The break-up of the UK would have a profound impact on our agricultural sector.

We are only 20 months away from a vote on independence that raises huge uncertainty about our membership of the EU, the currency we would use, the taxes and interest rates we would pay.

20 months away from a referendum that could turn a home market of 60 million UK consumers into a home market of just 5 million Scots.”

We look forward to working with George Lyon in the months ahead in both the “Better Together” campaign and to get George re-elected to Europe once more, in June 2014.