Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeen City Council joined forces today to welcome home local Olympic heroes. The three gold medal winners; Tim Baillie, Katherine Grainger and Neil Fachie were joined by Robbie Renwick, Hannah Miley and Lora Turnham along with local volunteers and games makers. The day started with a warm welcome in the Town House. The team then went by open-top bus along Union Street visiting the two gold post boxes in honour of Katherine Grainger and Neil Fachie. It was then out to Westhill where there was a fantastic crowd awaiting their arrival. The downpour of rain didn’t stop the olympians talking with the crowds, signing autographs and shaking hands. The torch bearers, volunteers and game makers all had fascinating stories to tell about their contribution to the Olympic Games which have truly inspired the nation. The look of excitement on the youngsters’ faces as they welcomed their sporting heroes and the cheers from the crowds said it all! An extraordinary sight on the streets of Westhill on a rainy Sunday! It was then on to Haddo House for the official reception. All gold medal winners made inspirational speeches about their success and one of the main things that struck me while listening to all three was that they are keenly aware that their role to engage the next generation has only just begun. Tim Baillie rounded off the whole fantastic day by saying “We live in a beautiful part of the country where we can enjoy the outdoors. If you find something you enjoy doing – go for it!”.