Events planned to help support Community Councils

Recognising the hard work and role that Community Councillors undertake for their communities, a series of events have been organised to support and inform them.

The events have been scheduled throughout the coming year and these will provide opportunities to network, learn and exchange best practice. There are four events scheduled for 2014 across Aberdeenshire which will run from 10am throughout the day, dates and locations are as follows:

March 22                     MACBI Centre, Station Road, Mintlaw
June 7                         Woodend Barn, Banchory

September 13              Linden Centre, Huntly (TBC)

November 1                 Village Hall, Kemnay

The first event will deal with community resilience, community asset transfer and will provide training for community councillors and office bearers.   A number of partner agencies and council services will be in attendance providing information and advice.

All community councillors are welcome to any of the events and we would be delighted to see Community Councils developing links across the council areas.

There is no requirement for community councillors to stay for the whole day or indeed to attend all the training, attendance is flexible and will offer many opportunities for you to get and share ideas with other community councillors. 

In order to effectively plan for the upcoming events we would be grateful if you could start discussing attendance at these events within your Community Councils and consider numbers wishing to attend.

Bookings are now being accepted for the Mintlaw event, but only until 14 March 2014.  More detailed information and booking forms for the other events will be circulated to Community Councils in due course.   For further information please contact Maureen Stephen on 01771 613666 e-mail

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