Westhill Capacity Study Refresh

The refresh from the 2008 capacity study is now online. At the June meeting of Garioch Area Committee, members agreed to note the findings within the Study subject to the following comments being taken in to consideration:

a) need information about how many people travel into Westhill to work

b) need to have a better diversity of business within Westhill

c) need more cycling routes, particularly a track round the perimeter of Westhill

d) acute need for affordable housing in Westhill alongside more sheltered housing and properties suitable for downsizing

e) need for sporting faciliites similar to that provided in Mintlaw

f) need more car parking

g) need pedestrian links between the old and new parts of Westhill

h) need public open space in the town centre and possibly a second town centre to the west of the town

i) higher density housing should be explored

j) all sectors of business need to be considered within housing needs, not just the subsea sector.

It was also agreed that the recommendations are pursued and the Study be used as an information base to inform the preparation of future Development Plan documents.


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