Yesterday’s meeting began with full council paying tribute to Cllr John Duncan who passed away on 4th September. Provost Jill Webster said “He was a quiet and astute man who was always worth listening to and will be sorely missed.”
Full council considered and approved an application for the construction of two sub stations southwest of New Deer which forms the onshore works in connection with three offshore windfarms in the Outer Moray Firth.
The Annual Performance Report 2013/14, How Good is our Council 2014, Area Performance Reporting Framework, Statement of Accounts, Scrutiny & Audit Report were also discussed. Further details on all of these here.
The meeting concluded with Adam Coldwells, Chief Officer for Integration of Aberdeenshire Health & Social Care Partnership highlighting the work taking place towards delivery of the integration vision. I look forward to him visiting area committees to consult more widely on the proposals.