Echt Primary School is the first school in Aberdeenshire to provide pupils with an iPad and teachers are using software applications to record and set homework to educate, engage and connect children beyond the classroom.
Every child, from P1 to P7, has their own iPad Mini which they take home each afternoon and bring back to school the following morning.
Homework is assigned using an app called Showbie which allows staff, pupils and parents to share work seamlessly.
P5 Kaylee Mitchell, 9, said: “It’s easier to get your homework in Showbie.”
The school is currently part of a pilot scheme called ‘Reporting to Parents’ which provides opportunities for parents/carers to be involved in the on-going process of reporting throughout the school year.
Pupils and teachers are using a Book Creator app to report on various aspects of learning in the school.
P5 Morven Findlay, 8, said: “You can video what you’re doing in P.E. or Music or anything and show your parents.”
P2 Darroch Ferries, 5, said: “You can do games which help you learn like Sumdog and Toc and Roll for learning notes in music.”
Head teacher Ruth MacDonald said: “Using ICT to enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum, the devices are used indoors and out, presenting the children with real life contexts for learning”.