Scottish Liberal Democrats today set out plans to raise the income tax threshold further as the SNP faced further chaos on their plans to hold a second referendum.
On a visit to a successful Edinburgh farm shop with Edinburgh candidate Mike Crockart, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie highlighted his party’s fairer tax plans. It comes as Scots receive their first paycheck after the latest increase to the income tax threshold.
Meanwhile, in the Scottish Parliament today, Nicola Sturgeon again refused to rule out a second referendum in her party’s 2016 manifesto. Former SNP leader Jim Sillars today warned that members would expect another independence referendum within two or three years.
Speaking on his visit to Hopetoun Farm Shop today, Willie Rennie said:
“While Lib Dems set out our plans to give Scots a further £400 tax cut the SNP faces further chaos on their plans for a second referendum on independence.
“Everyone accepts that there will be a hung parliament. So people will be thinking about who is best placed to influence government.
“In each of our eleven held seats, the choice facing voters is clear. The Liberal Democrats will anchor the economy in the centre ground, increasing the Personal Allowance to £12,500 as part of a red line for any coalition negotiation. This builds on the tax cut Lib Dems have already delivered in coalition for millions of Scots.
“Our responsible, stable plans will build a stronger economy and a fairer society, stopping government from veering off left or right.
“The SNP wants to borrow even more than Labour whilst plunging Scotland into neverendum. People will be staggered that Nicola Sturgeon once again refused to set out when she plans to put forward a second referendum.
“If people want to stop the SNP from veering the country away from the economic centre ground, they must vote Lib Dem in each of our eleven held seats.”