I’m looking forward to getting on my bike this week again as Aberdeenshire Council peddles their inaugural cycling challenge bringing sustainable transport to the fore.
People across the North-east are being invited to participate in the first ever Aberdeenshire-wide Cycling Challenge from September 7 – 27, supported by Aberdeenshire Council.
In association with Love to Ride, an organisation working across the UK to encourage more people to cycle, the council is inviting local businesses and organisations as well as their own staff to participate. The challenge is to get as many people as possible signed up to cycle just 10 minutes on as many days as they can for three weeks – it’s not about how fast or far you cycle but how many individuals from your team, department and/or organisation get on their bikes.
It’s free to enter and participants can sign up at http://www.lovetoride.net/aberdeenshire It’s open to all local organisations and if yours is already listed you can select it from a drop down menu or register your organisation and become a local champion for the cause.