Central Licensing Board met today for the first of what we hope to be an annual event to bring together members of the licensed trade as well as Licensing Standard Officers, Police Scotland and NHS. There was a good turnout and we heard from all partners about the role they play in alcohol legislation and working with the boards across Aberdeenshire. Police Scotland outlined their initiatives aimed at keeping the public safe around alcohol, namely Pubwatch, Safer Streets and their new Student Life campaign (see graphic below). NHS spoke about the impact of alcohol on health with 365 admissions to hospital of Central Aberdeenshire residents in 2013/14 being alcohol-related. The Board reminded license holders that more options for payment of annual fees are now available and that we now send out letters to holders rather than the premises address. An update to potential changes in legislation was also given and more information will be uploaded on to the Aberdeenshire Council website soon. For the next annual meeting, we are very keen to hear suggestions from the licensed trade about what they would like to be included on the agenda. Regular board meetings are held every 8 weeks and are open to the public and we would be very pleased to welcome the trade at these meetings.