Is our planning system fit for purpose?




The Scottish Government is set to review the operation of the planning system in Scotland, “identifying the scope for further reform with a focus on delivering a quicker, more accessible and efficient planning process, in particular increasing delivery of high quality housing developments”. The review will be undertaken by an independent panel. The panel have set out a timetable for the review process and are expected to report in Spring 2016. They are now inviting written evidence from all interested parties. The closing date is 1st December, 2015, which is quite a tight timescale.

I hear many concerns raised locally about planning decisions being taken out of the hands of local people or overturned by the appeals body DPEA. There are a raft of prompt questions online to base written evidence on and I have picked out just some of the questions I know local residents I speak to have concerns with, namely:

  • do we need Development Plans – not least plans which cannot be overturned centrally?
  • how can planning improve the quality and scale of housing delivery?
  • should we retain Section 75 agreements? (or what should we replace them with?)
  • what are the barriers to timely decision making within the development management service and how can they be overcome?
  • should opportunities for repeat planning applications (i.e. for substantially the same development on the same site) be limited?
  • are there issues with planning enforcement that need to be addressed?
  • how can we involve more young people in planning?

Full details and how to submit your responses can be found here.

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