Further to my last post regarding concerns raised over the planned closure of part of Westhill Drive from 6th October, I have received the following information:
In the interests of public safety, NO WAITING restrictions will be applied on Kinmundy Drive (both sides from the junction with Kinmundy Gardens to the junction with Westhill Road) for the 8 weeks from 6th October 2014 until completion of the works.
See map here: kinmundydrivewesthill061014 2
Access to the school from the top end of Westhill Drive will be maintained, as will the push button crossing outside the school.
Road closures are normally the last resort so as to minimise disruption to the travelling public, but where the council have no option due to the nature of the works or to protect the public and workforce, they do consider the knock-on effects. Aberdeenshire Council consider the following aspects when authorising road closures:
1. Diversions are normally madeĀ on to the same class of road, but this can be difficult in an urban environment.
2. Length and width of the diversion route.
3. Suitability for HVSs etc
4. Issues with public transport and delays.
5. Timing of works.
6 Phasing of works.
7. Residents and businesses affected.
Aberdeenshire Council Roads officers are committed to working closely with the contractor to modify and review the traffic management as required.
The Safer Routes to School officer is liaising with the Head Teacher at Westhill Primary regarding parents’ concerns over inconsiderate parking at the school.