Another year of adventure for Westhill scouts


Last weekend I visited Templars Park in Maryculter where the 1st Westhill Scout group had set up camp. The atmosphere certainly brought back memories of my girl guiding days with the rows of tents and the outdoor cooking, although I can’t remember the food being so sophisticated back then! I was invited to their AGM and heard all about the year just past from Group Scout Leader, Chris Pinnell. It was certainly a very full year of activities, awards, and camps as well as the week-to-week work developing the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and I was pleased to hear that scouts from the more rural areas had joined. Two local members are looking forward to attending the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan later on this year (seen above accepting a cheque for the UK Scouting movement). I am sure they will find it a fascinating trip and a great opportunity to make new friends and try new experiences.

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