The future direction of Aberdeenshire Council’s Education and Children’s Service is being consulted on.
The Service Plan 2015-2018 sets out the priorities for the future in the delivery of a wide range of services including schools, nurseries, cultural services, family-centres, leisure and community learning.
This plan highlights the successes of the service as well as detailing the future focus of a range of areas.
This is the first service plan since the incorporation of areas of social work within the service and reflects national and service priorities.
The council is asking for feedback on eight improvement priorities to help shape the wider aims of the service across Aberdeenshire to:
• Improve learning and teaching and the quality of the curriculum in schools, early years and other learning establishments.
• Improve performance and raise levels of attainment and achievement.
• Provide more flexible early years and childcare services equitably.
• Further develop effective integrated working to ensure that children and families receive the support they need, when they need it, and as far as possible, within their local communities.
• Ensure that the learning estate is maintained and developed in order to support and facilitate strategic objectives.
• Ensure that business processes and procedures are effective and efficient and deliver value for money.
• Fully develop leadership capacity at all levels across the service. Invest in learning and development of staff to build capacity and improve leadership.
• Support economic development by working with communities and by ensuring that young people are ready and able to take up positive and productive post-school destinations.
Members of Aberdeenshire Council’s Education, Learning and Leisure Committee recently discussed and welcomed the service plan (Thursday, May 28).
Councillors heard that the plan also reflects the current inspection of Children’s Services that is taking place in Aberdeenshire.
To comment on the Service Plan 2015-2018 priorities visit:
The consultation will run until Friday, July 3 and printed copies are available from: Sarah Godfrey, Education and Children’s Services, Woodhill House, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB.