Why so many broken speed limit signs?

The issue of temporary speed limit signs being out of commission invariably crops up at public meetings all across Aberdeenshire. The following response has been received from the council:

 “Council engineers attend any signage faults which are reported. After initial checks for timer programme faults a council electrician would then check the power supply. If no programme or power faults are found a job is raised with our external contractor to repair the sign.

 “The contractor is not local and so waits until a batch of repairs builds up before sending personnel to carry repairs, which can cause delays.

 “Roads officers are in the process of carrying out a review of flashing speed limit signs in Aberdeenshire in order to ensure that they are working to the highest standard possible and provide the desired impact to address local issues.

 “However, we would like to remind motorists that they should always be adhering to permanent, traditional speed limit signs situated both in and out of urban areas, and that flashing signs are an additional reinforcement measure.”


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