Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) have just provided the following update:
“The aim of recent consultation (27 October – 8 January) was to provide communities and landowners with an initial corridor for discussion and comment. All comments and feedback received during the consultation will be reviewed and used by the project team to design a preferred route for the overhead line. I have taken your comments to the project manager for his awareness and review during the design stages. The project team will aim to develop the project to achieve a balance between economic, environmental and technical factors whilst considering viewpoints and feelings of communities and affected landowners.
It will be the project teams intention to revisit communities to display a preferred route for the overhead line later in 2016. There will be opportunity for members of public to provide comments and feedback on proposals at that time. You will also have opportunity to comment formally on any planning application that may be submitted in the future.”
Details of the initial corridor examined during the consultation, and other project documents can be viewed on the project webpage –