Early Learning and Childcare Consultation

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As a result of the Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014, Aberdeenshire Council are consulting with all stakeholders on the provision of early learning and childcare. Over the next few weeks they will be consulting on the provision of early  learning and childcare in Aberdeenshire. This will provide information to help them create a more flexible and integrated service.

As well as looking at flexibility of early learning and childcare provision, the consultation will also look at out-of- school hours care. I know this is a big issue for many parents in both Westhill and the rural areas of ward 13.

Views are being sought from parents/carers, professionals and other interested stakeholders on how best the services can meet their needs through a series of consultation methods which will include drop in sessions and a survey monkey, which will be available on the website from next week. You can access the survey here from Monday 22 September.

A consultation session will take place on Wednesday 8th October 2014 at Crombie Primary from 1530-1800 hrs.

The consultation drop in sessions will give all stakeholders the opportunity to look, compare and comment on our current model of delivery and two alternative models.

Current model:

1. 3 hour 10 mins sessions x 5 days a week x 38 weeks per annum.

Alternative models:

2. 4 hour sessions x 4 days x 38 weeks per annum.

3. 8 hour sessions x 2 days x 38 weeks per annum.

Aberdeenshire Council also seek the views of the community on:

What they see as the ideal model for them

What distance they would be willing to travel to secure their favoured placement

What they would be willing to pay for wrap around care


Out of School Hours Care

This consultation will give families the opportunity to comment on:

The provision they currently access

Future developments

Alternative models of delivery and levels of choice

Their preferred method of early learning and childcare e.g private, childminder, local authority

This consultation process will help the authority to plan services across Aberdeenshire and support providers to develop appropriate services in your area.

Please pop in to the session at Crombie Primary if you can on 8th October and/or complete the survey.


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