Proposed change to speed limit on A944/B9119 and introduction of shared cycle way/footway


Cycle way edited cycle way 2 edited


Proposed reduction of speed limit from 50mph to 40mph and introduction of shared cycleway / footway                                          

As a result of the new signalised junction replacing the existing roundabout on the A944, Aberdeen to Alford road at Westhill, it is considered that a new reduced speed limit of 40mph be introduced to replace the existing 50mph limit within the vicinity of the junction for road safety reasons.

Due to the proposed further development along this corridor as well as the AWPR interchange, it is proposed that this opportunity is taken to reduce the speed limit to 40mph on the section of road between the roundabout at Westhill and the new 40mph speed limit at the Ardene House Veterinary Hospital. Reducing the speed limit to 40mph will decrease the number of changes along this section of road, therefore causing less confusion for motorists.

The proposed 40mph speed limit will compliment the existing speed limits within the Aberdeenshire road network and has been discussed in detail with officers from the neighbouring authority.

 A new shared cycleway / footway link on the A944 and B9119 into the new development has also been agreed. The sections on the B9119 and A944 within the boundary of Aberdeen City Council will be included within the Traffic Regulation Order. This will tie into the section on the A944 within Aberdeenshire Council’s jurisdiction, which will be included within their Traffic Regulation Order.

 Please note that Aberdeen City Council propose the following change to the speed limit:



Aberdeen City Council proposes to make “The Aberdeen City Council (A944 / B9119, Aberdeen) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 201(X)” in terms of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the order will be to reduce the existing 50 mph mandatory speed limit on certain lengths of the A944, Aberdeen, and the B9119, Aberdeen, to a mandatory speed limit of 40 mph. The existing lengths of carriageway concerned on the A944 are located between the Kingswells Roundabout and Bishopdams Bridge. The schedule below highlights the lengths concerned, but is also inclusive of carriageway already subject to a 40 mph speed limit. The new A944 westbound slip road leading to the B9119 would also be subject to a 40 mph speed limit.

Full details of the proposal are to be found in the draft order, which, together with maps showing the intended measures and an accompanying statement of the Council’s reasons for promoting them, may be examined during normal office hours on weekdays from 23 July, 2014, to 12 August, 2014, in the offices of the roads officials in the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure department, at Marischal College, Aberdeen.

It is recommended that anyone visiting Marischal College to view any of the documents should make an appointment to do so, in order that a member of staff can be present to offer an explanation if necessary. Anyone unable to visit Marischal College can telephone (01224 522319) to speak to one of the officials.

Anyone wishing to object to the proposed order should send details of the grounds for objection, including their name and address, in writing to the undersigned or to during the statutory objection period which also runs from 23 July, 2014, to 12 August, 2014, inclusively.

Any person who submits an objection to a road traffic order should be aware that any objection made will be available to members of the Committee, available for inspection by members of the public, distributed to the press, and will form part of the agenda pack which is available on the Council’s website. To that extent, however, they are redacted, with e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and signatures removed from this correspondence.

Jane MacEachran, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Aberdeen City Council, Town House, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ



Eastbound carriageway, from Bishopdams Bridge, eastwards to a point 132 metres or thereby east of its junction with the C89C.

Westbound carriageway, from a point 249 metres or thereby east of its junction with the C89C, westwards to the point of Bishopdams Bridge.

A944 (westbound slip road leading to B9119)

In its entirety.


From its junction with the A944, westwards for a distance of 188 metres or thereby.


Alcohol licence holders urged to meet August training deadline


Holders of personal licences across Aberdeenshire are being urged to undertake refresher training by August 31 this year – or face losing their licence to sell alcohol.

The deadline applies to all 10-year personal licences that were granted on September 1 2009.

Although the licences themselves last a decade, holders also must refresh their training after five years under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.

Holders must also notify the board that issued their licence by December 1 this year that the training has been undertaken, otherwise the licence will be revoked.

All licensed premises are authorised to sell alcohol by personal licence holders but if the personal licence holder loses their licence, premises can no longer serve alcohol.

There are currently 1,200 personal licence holders across Aberdeenshire, but so far only 25% of those have completed the training.

The half-day course covers all important aspects of Scottish licensing law including understanding the Licensing (Scotland) Act (2005), legal changes since the introduction of the Act and protecting children from harm and culminates in a 40 question examination in multiple choice format.

Convenor of Central Aberdeenshire Licensing Board, Cllr Cryle Shand, said: “It is very important that all licence holders undertake this refresher training before the August 31 deadline, and that they report back to the board by December 1.

“Unfortunately, if this timescale isn’t met, licences will be automatically revoked and the premises concerned will no longer be able to serve alcohol.”

Personal licence holders who were granted their ten year licences at a later date will be contacted in due course regarding refresher training.

More information on the refresher training can be found at



The SensationALL Susans pick up Provost Award

Provost Award

It was a pleasure to nominate Susan Strachan and Susan Kay, both of SensationALL for the Provost’s Volunteer Award. The Awards recognise the huge contribution of volunteers to the community. Susan Strachan is a registered Occupational Therapist and had worked in the NHS in paediatrics and special needs for 20 years. She has been involved and helped rejuvenises the local branch since joining and volunteering for Dyslexia Scotland charity in 2009. She set up and continues to run what was the first and is only one of two dyslexia youth clubs in Scotland, XdysleX. She co-founded and is now employed by the unique special needs charity SensationALL. She has worked tirelessly for this charity since acquiring the Raeden Centre equipment in May 2011 when Raeden closed its doors.

Susan Kay works extensively for SensationALL and as well as a co-founder of the charity, is also the Chairperson of SensationALL putting in endless hours and commitment to ensure that their vision becomes more of a possibility. Susan also does voluntary work for the dyslexia youth group. She also volunteered for the Citizens Advice Bureau in their formative years.

Both Susans run volunteer weekend access to specialist activities and peer support has been made possible for families with young people who have additional or multiple support needs since November 2012. They have both been involved in numerous profile and fund raising events.

Their awards are very well-deserved. If you can provide financial help or would like to support SensationALL in any way, please get in touch via their website.

Recycling on the Go at Carnie – your feedback wanted please!



As part of “Let’s clean up Carnie” discussions (see earlier post), I have been in touch with Waste Services today regarding bins. They are still considering recycling facilities at this site when the new service rolls out in September along with glass collection facilities. The picture above shows the Recycling on the Go bins (ROTG). What are your views? Do you think this would work well at Carnie? Please get in touch with your views!

Westhill Community Sports Hub – be part of it!

What is a Community Sports Hub (CSH)?

Community Sports Hubs are a key part of sportscotland’s contribution to Legacy 2014.

How does a CSH work?

CSH’s will vary from area to area as they are based on the needs and aspirations of the community. Each hub must become sustainable and as a result the majority of hubs have set up steering groups to provide strategic direction and ensure the aims of the hub are met.
Each Hub will be unique but the common thread is that each hub works to the following five principles:
• Growth in participation
• Understanding community needs
• Supporting community leadership
• Offering a range of sports
• Bring all appropriate (key) partners/ groups/people together
• What impact will a Community Sports Hub have?
There will be a variety of community sport hub models established which are based on specific local needs. They may deliver:
• Clear and genuine community engagement and leadership
• Better organised and connected local clubs and community hubs
• An increase in the number of local people participating in sport and physical
• Increased capacity of local sports clubs and increased number of
opportunities available to local communities
• Increased number and quality of deliverers
• Increased dialogue between local partners

Community Consultation
We are holding a Community Consultation to explain the concept and benefits and gain feedback from the clubs and community.
Tuesday 17 June 2014
Westhill Academy, Staff Room
Refreshments provided
Please RSVP:

Scam Awareness Month – doorstep crime


Citizens Advice Scotland, Citizens Advice and Trading Standards Services are leading activities throughout the month of May in the fight-back against scammers – giving consumers the information, skills and confidence to spot and stop scams. This week, doorstep crime is the focus. Police Scotland launched some weeks ago an excellent campaign. Their “Nominated Neighbour Scheme” is a great idea – vulnerable residents can nominate a trusted person who callers can make contact with to verify their identity and confirm they are a genuine caller. The Police Scotland website contains loads of useful information and I would recommend you have a look: